A literary translator has an in-depth knowledge of the particularities of this type of translation and has all the necessary skills and aptitudes to produce texts faithful to the author’s style, always respecting the original text.
Literary translation has undoubtedly been a fundamental tool for the development and dissemination of human knowledge. Literary translation has been performed since time immemorial and is undoubtedly one of the most important tasks in the world. It is a discipline that requires adaptations related to the differences between the literary traditions of the source and target cultures.
They must also be in accordance with the author’s style and the literary and linguistic norms of the genre to which the original work belongs. These aspects play an essential role in the quality of literary translation.
Literature could be considered as a musical score: an immovable scheme. However, the translator will be the pianist with a margin of choice in its execution, choosing some words and discarding others. Literary translation must always be faithful to the original text but should never be its slave.